Louisiana Board Report Sheds Light on DSCSA Compliance 

A recent survey conducted by the Louisiana Board of Drug and Device Distributors found that a majority of trading partners have the necessary electronic systems to exchange data with other trading partners under the updated DSCSA compliance standards. The survey was sent to designated responsible persons (DRPs) at facilities that distribute drugs to Louisiana between August 13th and September 23rd. The survey received a response rate of 273 different firms across 40 states and Canada. 

According to the results, 77% of firms reported having processes in place for identifying suspect and illegitimate products, 75% have procedures in place for verifying products, and 74% have implemented data exchanges between partners. While the results of firms having policies for managing exceptions (45%), procedures for identifying ATPs (43%), and policies for managing WEEs (29%) didn’t indicate as strong of results, the significant majority of firms are taking the necessary steps to protect the integrity of our pharmaceuticals, and accordingly, to protect the health of consumers. 

Executive director of the Louisiana Board of Drug and Device Distributors, George Lovecchio, believes the results of the survey withhold positive implications. Besides calling to action the importance of the policies and procedures that need to be in place for DSCSA, the results show that “we can make this November (DSCSA) deadline”, but can only “do it if we work together.” 

Lovecchio added, “The survey shows that the time for excuses is over and it’s time for implementing (DSCSA guidelines).” For the integrity of our supply chains, trading partners failing to meet compliance requirements must prioritize their efforts. 

Contact us to learn how Gateway Checker can help you navigate the DSCSA compliance process.